5 types of best travel influencers in India

5 types of best travel influencers in India

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In India, People have varying preferences when it comes to travelling. Some prefer exploring local destinations, others crave adventure, and some seek solitude by booking a mountain hostel for a month with beautiful views as their backdrop. Travelling serves as a gateway to stress relief, yet the process of choosing destinations, budgeting, and maintaining quality experiences can be overwhelming. In such instances, Instagram travel influencers come to the rescue, providing guidance and assistance in planning your trips. But there is also something about travel influencers in India.

From travel agencies to influencers in travel industry

Before the rise of travel influencers or bloggers, travel agencies, text-heavy websites, and traditional pamphlets were our go-to sources for travel planning. Gen X and millennials can relate, can't they?

The ascent of influencer marketing and social media platforms elevated travel influencers to prominence, allowing us to make our travel arrangements independently, bypassing intermediaries. While group travel through travel agencies still offers unique benefits, it's now viewed as an alternative and a matter of convenience for many, contrasting with two decades ago when it was the primary choice.

What do travel influencers in India do?

We've all embraced the contemporary notion of "Build a career you don't need a vacation from," believing it's the essence of becoming a best travel influencer, whether in India or abroad. However, the reality is that being a social media influencer, particularly a travel influencer, entails constant work. It means forsaking the traditional 9 to 5 routine to dedicate yourself round the clock to your craft.

Travel influencers partner with brands aligned with their niche, enabling them to sustain a travel and lifestyle centric. Additionally, they collaborate with various entities in the travel sector, including airlines, hotels, and restaurants.

Generating income for social media influencers often depends on collaborations and sponsorship. Not all travel bloggers are exclusively influencers; many maintain full-time jobs alongside their blogging pursuits. Remote work opportunities during the pandemic allowed individuals to explore travel influencer roles while maintaining their primary employment.

These seven types of Indian travellers on instagram will either motivate you to become an influencer yourself or give you a tumultuous amount of inspiration to pack your bags right and start an adventure of your own.

Five types of  travel influencers in India

Travel influencers in india

1. Biker Influencers in India:

Biker influencers are the individuals who share their bike journeys, experiences, and recommendations for travelling on two wheels on social media platforms.

Candida Louis, an Indian motorcyclist, has traversed numerous Indian states and foreign destinations on her bike. As a female influencer, she defies multiple stereotypes, serving as a travel YouTuber/vlogger who documents her riding escapades and supports fellow riders in embarking on their own adventures. 

Gazing upon Rohith's biking escapades, any fellow rider would be inspired to journey to the ends of the earth. If you've been considering a solo road trip to Ladakh on your motorcycle, Rohith's travel tales will guide you along the right path—or should we say, the right wheel tracks."

2. Solo travel Influencers in India:

Solo travel influencers are individuals who specialise in sharing their experiences, tips, and destinations for solo travel adventures on social media platforms.

Shivya Nath embodies the essence of a mindful traveller: a solo adventurer, author, and a vegan. As a female influencer, she travels solo, curating captivating stories shared with her Instagram community. Her profile resonates with a deep connection to nature.

Dev, an Indian solo traveller on Instagram, immerses himself in the essence of every destination he explores. He's the type of person who pauses to appreciate the fragrance of flowers along the way. His adventures and personal anecdotes will captivate you, offering a glimpse into his remarkable travel lifestyle.

3. Couple Travel Influencers in India:

Couple travel influencers are pairs who share their adventures, experiences, and recommendations for travelling as a couple on social media platforms. 

Ever felt the desire to wander through a wonderland with your partner, leaving behind only fleeting memories? If so, Thara and Goutham might become your favourite travel influencers on Instagram, as their journeys reflect this sentiment. Observing their enjoyment of simple living across the nation will bring peace to your Instagram feed.

Turn your dream of spontaneous luxury getaways with your partner into reality. Savi and Vid's travel escapades on Instagram will inspire you to embark on your own journey together. 

4. Budget travel Influencers in India:

Budget travel influencers are individuals who focus on sharing tips, hacks, and destinations for affordable travel experience on social media, catering to budget-conscious travellers.

The journey of these two girls embodies that of every budget-conscious traveller. They're discovering best yet affordable hotels, accommodations, and dining options, while also prioritising women's safety by providing various travel and lodging choices.

For all the full-time employees balancing work and solo travel, Vidya offers the most affordable workation choices. As we have grown accustomed to the concept of working with a scenic backdrop, having budget-friendly options at your disposal is a welcome relief.

5. Luxury travel influencer in India:

Luxury travel influencers are individuals who specialise in showcasing high-end travel experience and exclusive destinations on social media, catering to affluent travellers and luxury brands.

Now is the moment to embark on that luxurious journey you've been postponing.

Veidihi is ready to assist you with the finest options in India and abroad that offer exceptional value for your money. Prepare for unforgettable experiences that lie ahead.

Aakriti Rana, a leading Indian fashion influencer, doubles as a luxury travel influencer. Her stunning Instagram feed alone is an invitation to embark on a peaceful getaway. Additionally, she runs a provident store on Instagram that's definitely worth exploring. Treat yourself to sustainable shopping and catch the finest pieces directly from the influencer's wardrobe.

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