Unseen Benefits of Influencer Marketing Campaign

Unseen Benefits of Influencer Marketing 

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Overview of Influencer Marketing:

To define it in simple terms and in an interesting way, Influencer marketing can be thought of as a modern-day version of word-of-mouth marketing, where instead of relying on friends and family to spread the word about a product or service, brands tap into the power of individuals who have a large and engaged online following to promote their brand.

These "influencers" use their platforms, whether it be Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or any other social media site, to showcase the product or service to their followers, who in turn may make a purchase based on the influencer's endorsement. 

The Best Influencer Collaborations in the History

Nike and LeBron James:
Nike's partnership with LeBron James is often considered one of the best influencer marketing campaigns in history. The campaign was centred around LeBron's rise from high school phenom to NBA superstar, and it showcased how Nike's products could help athletes achieve their dreams. The combination of LeBron's massive popularity and Nike's sleek marketing made for a powerful partnership that continues to this day.

Coca-Cola and influencer collaborations:
Coca-Cola has a history of successful influencer marketing campaigns, often collaborating with popular social media influencers to promote its products. One such campaign was the "Share a Coke" campaign, where Coca-Cola placed popular names on their cans and encouraged people to share them with friends. By partnering with influencers, Coca-Cola was able to tap into its large following and promote the campaign to a wider audience.

Kylie Jenner and Kylie Cosmetics:
Kylie Jenner's rise to beauty mogul can be largely attributed to her successful influencer marketing campaigns. She used her massive social media following to promote her brand and showcase her products, leading to the success of her cosmetics line, Kylie Cosmetics.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Under Armour:
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has a massive following, and his partnership with Under Armour was a natural fit for a successful influencer marketing campaign. The Rock's image as a tough, hard-working athlete aligned perfectly with Under Armour's brand, and his endorsement helped raise the profile of the brand and increase sales.

Porsche and Jay Leno:
Porsche teamed up with comedian and car enthusiast Jay Leno to promote their Porsche 911 model. Jay Leno's popularity and expertise in cars made him the perfect influencer to showcase the Porsche 911's capabilities and appeal to car enthusiasts. The campaign was a success and helped Porsche reach a wider audience.

These campaigns were successful because they found the right influencer to align with their brand, and used their platform to reach a wider audience in a meaningful way. The influencer's endorsement added credibility to the brand, and their large following helped spread the message to a wider audience.

Types of Influencer Marketing

There are several different types of influencer marketing, each with its own unique approach and objectives:

Nano/Micro-Influencer Marketing
This type of influencer marketing focuses on partnering with individuals who have smaller, but highly engaged followings. Micro-influencers tend to have more niche audiences and are often seen as trusted experts in their respective fields. And this type of influencer marketing is cost-effective.

Celebrity Influencer Marketing
This type of influencer marketing involves partnering with high-profile celebrities to promote a brand or product. Celebrity influencers have large followings and high levels of influence, but their endorsements can also be expensive.

User-Generated Content Influencer Marketing
This type of influencer marketing involves encouraging customers and fans to create and share content promoting a brand or product. User-generated content can be more authentic and relatable than traditional influencer content, and it can help build a community around a brand.

Affiliate Influencer Marketing
This type of influencer marketing involves partnering with influencers who earn a commission for promoting a brand or product. Influencers can earn commissions through sales, sign-ups, or other actions taken by their followers.

Influencer Event Marketing
This type of influencer marketing involves hosting events and partnering with influencers to promote them. Influencer events can be a great way to reach a wider audience and build a community around a brand.

Influencer Takeover Marketing
This type of influencer marketing involves giving influencers control of a brand's social media account for a set period. Influencer takeovers can help reach a wider audience and create a buzz around a brand.

Each of these types of influencer marketing has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the right approach will depend on the specific objectives of a brand and the target audience they are trying to reach.

Measuring Influencer Marketing Campaigns

Influencer marketing campaigns are measured using a variety of metrics, which can help brands understand the effectiveness of their campaigns and make informed decisions about future marketing efforts. Here are some of the key metrics used to measure influencer marketing campaigns:

  1. Reach: Reach refers to the number of people who have been exposed to a brand's influencer marketing campaign. Brands can use this metric to understand how many people have seen their message and to determine the size of their potential audience.

  2. Engagement: Engagement refers to the level of interaction between a brand and its audience. This can include likes, comments, shares, and other forms of engagement on social media. Brands can use this metric to understand how their audience is responding to their influencer marketing efforts and to gauge the overall success of their campaigns.

  3. Conversion Rate: Conversion rate refers to the number of people who take a desired action after being exposed to a brand's influencer marketing campaign. This can include making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading an app. Brands can use this metric to understand the effectiveness of their campaigns in driving tangible results.

  4. Return on Investment (ROI): ROI refers to the amount of money a brand has made in relation to the amount of money they have spent on a marketing campaign. Brands can use this metric to understand the financial impact of their influencer marketing efforts and to determine whether they are getting a good return on their investment.

  5. Influencer-Specific Metrics: Brands can also measure the performance of individual influencers by tracking metrics such as the number of followers, engagement rate, and overall reach. This information can help brands make informed decisions about which influencers to work with in the future and how to optimize their influencer marketing efforts.

But these are the basic KPIs for an influencer marketing campaign. These KPIs provided with cost give better metrics like CPC(Cost-per-Click), CPE(Cost-per-Engagement), CPM(Cost-per-Mile), EMV(Earned-Media-Value), & ROI.

metrics to measure influencer marketing campaign

Starbuzz.ai's Campaign Report

Steps in Influencer Marketing Campaign

How influencer marketing campaign takes off in general?

Setting specific, measurable campaign goals: This is the first step in establishing an influencer marketing campaign. This could involve improving sales, website traffic, or brand exposure.

Determine target audience: The next stage is to determine the campaign's target audience. To do this, you might need to carry out market research to learn about the target audience's demographics, interests, and behaviours.

Selecting Influencers: After determining the target market, the following stage is to choose influencers who share the objectives of the business and the intended audience. This can entail taking the influencer's reach, engagement rate, and niche into account.

Negotiating campaign terms: After the influencers have been chosen, the next stage is to discuss the compensation, content requirements, and success measures for the campaign.

Creating content: The influencer marketing strategy should also include the creation of excellent and compelling content that is in line with the objectives of the business and appeals to the target market.

Launching the Campaign: Last but not least, the influencer marketing campaign is put into motion, with the influencers distributing the content to their followers on social media and other websites.

Monitoring and evaluating: It is important to regularly monitor the campaign to gauge its success and spot potential areas for development. Metrics like website traffic, conversion rates, and engagement rates may need to be tracked for this.

Can a brand do an Influencer Marketing campaign itself?

A brand can do influencer marketing itself. If a brand wants to do influencer marketing by itself, it is a much wiser decision to use software like Starbuzz.ai Saas which is made to make influencer marketing simple and efficient. From influencer discovery to delivering the campaign report, everything can be managed through one platform. Otherwise, so much unnecessary manual effort and time go into doing those tasks which often has huge opportunity cost. Even though, a brand doing influencer marketing itself has its own pros and cons.


Cost Savings: Saving money is one of the main benefits because hiring an agency can be pricey. A brand can save money and divert it to other parts of its business by handling influencer marketing on its own.

Direct control: When a brand conducts influencer marketing on its own, it has complete control over all aspects of the campaign, including the selection of influencers, the creation of content, and the tracking of results. A brand may benefit from having more flexibility and real-time modification capabilities as a result.

A better comprehension of the audience: A company may learn more about its target audience's preferences, behaviours, and engagement patterns by doing research and keeping track of the campaign's development.

Enhanced reputation: A brand can improve its reputation and raise brand recognition within its target audience if it is effective in carrying out a high-quality influencer marketing campaign.

Relationship development: By cooperating closely with influencers, a company can forge lasting bonds and gain a better grasp of the influencer scene. This may be helpful for upcoming campaigns and for making a name for oneself in the market.


Lack of expertise: Influencer marketing is a quickly developing industry, and putting up a successful campaign calls for a thorough grasp of current trends, best practices, and KPIs. Without an agency's knowledge and experience, a brand runs the risk of missing crucial chances of making costly errors.

Running an influencer marketing campaign takes time because it requires finding influencers, contacting them, negotiating terms, creating content, and tracking and analyzing the campaign's success.

Limited resources: An influencer marketing campaign may need a lot of money for remuneration, technology to measure analytics, and staff to manage the effort. Without an agency's resources, brands would find it difficult to carry out a fruitful campaign.

Difficulty building relationships: Building and keeping connections with influencers can be difficult because they often receive several collaboration ideas and may not have much time to reply. Without the assistance of an agency, brands could find it difficult to partner with prominent influencers.

Challenges with measurement and evaluation: Tracking several metrics, including engagement rates, website traffic, and conversions, is necessary to measure and evaluate the performance of an influencer marketing campaign. Brands without the agency's technology and knowledge may find it difficult to measure the effectiveness of their campaign.

Benefits of Influencer Marketing (what you don’t get through other marketing tactics):

Influence - Trap or Real? Why do other marketing methods lack it?

The term 'influence' is not exclusive to influencer marketing. Influence is present wherever there are two bodies. One person influences the other through words, & actions. And influence is the key element in any advertising tactic. It's because influence is the thing that drives a customer to make the purchase decision. Influence is not exclusive to one thing. Influence can be created by an advertisement without a famous personality in it. It's because a good narration can influence the viewer. As humans, we easily are influenced by other humans, especially famous personalities. A person could be famous for many reasons like appearing in multiple movies, media, etc. Certain people emerged out of social media and built their personalities with their consistent content creation. They hold immense influence among their followers. The influence is so huge that a new & efficient marketing tactic has rose which is influencer marketing. And they're called Influencers.

If any marketing methods hold influence, what's special about influencers?

Definitely, not an easy question to answer. But this should make you understand. Influence is what every marketing tactic is built upon. But that doesn't mean it's all same. The influence of a celebrity is completely different from the influence created through a narrative advertisement. And same as that influence created by an influencer who built his personality solely by his content is different and often more effective than the influence created through traditional marketing methods.

Influencers hold the influence based on their expertise, & own talent which is more effective than influence created through traditional marketing methods which are often based on persuasion.

Influence created by influencers are proven to be more effective because of the image followers hold in their mind. There is an experience people go through when they see an influencer, a TV personality, or a celebrity which is termed a Parasocial Relationship (PSR). And another similar term is Parasocial Interaction (PSI) which are often used interchangeably. PSI can be described as an illusory experience where the audience interacts with personas i.e celebrities, hosts, fictional characters, social media influencers, etc as if they’re in a reciprocal relationship with them. And if these interactions happen often, it develops into PSR. As per research in Frontiers, PSR & PSI are positively related to the purchase intentions and materialism of the consumers. This is not something other traditional marketing methods can achieve. Influence is real. It is not a persuasive term used to hype influencer marketing. But it goes with its own perks. But influence is a striking benefit that is underseen by most brands and marketers.

Several factors set influencer marketing apart from other forms of marketing:

Target market: Influencer marketing enables a brand to connect with a particular target market that may not be accessible through conventional marketing techniques. To attract a sizable and interested audience of beauty aficionados, for instance, a beauty brand can collaborate with a beauty influencer.

Endorsement: Because influencers are regarded as subject-matter experts who give sincere recommendations, consumers frequently view influencer marketing as more trustworthy and reputable than other types of advertising.

Authenticity: As influencers offer their own distinctive material and viewpoints in addition to supporting brands, influencer marketing is frequently more genuine and authentic than other types of advertising.

Collaboration: Influencer marketing is a type of cooperation in which a brand and an influencer work together for the mutual advantage of both. Influencers are paid and have the chance to gain new followers, while brands get visibility to a big, engaged audience.

Engagement: Compared to other kinds of advertising, influencer marketing frequently results in better engagement rates since influencers' followers are more willing to interact with and share their content.

Cost-effectiveness: Influencer marketing can be less expensive than other types of advertising since it allows firms to access a sizable, interested audience for a small fraction of the price of conventional advertising techniques.

Relevance: Because the influencer already has a following of people who are interested in the issues and goods they advocate, influencer marketing enables marketers to access a targeted and relevant audience.

Trust: As the recommendation comes from a person who is regarded as an authority in their field and is considered as delivering an honest endorsement, influencer marketing is frequently seen as more trustworthy than other kinds of advertising.

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